Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sole Service

If you didn’t know already, the sole of the shoe is the rubber that wraps around the sole. Since it is the part of the shoe that’s close to the ground it is meant to be the dirtiest. If you are a shoe lover you KNOW that the sole should be the cleanest part to really show off the pair of shoes you’re wearing. There are many solutions on how clean the sole of the shoes. Keeping them clean is nearly impossible unless you’re walking around with your shoes in plastic but, who really wants to be that guy?

Since most soles of shoes are rubber they’re not that difficult to clean and can be done in short manner of time. One of the most common way to clean a dirty sole is using a toothbrush, soap and or toothpaste and clean water.

Here I’ll take you through on how to clean your shoes using this method in which I’ll call “Dirty Soles Needs Cleansing.

Step 1: Gather the supplies.
You’ll need:
  •          Shoes with dirty soles
  •          Toothbrush
  •          Toothpaste or soap
  •          Water
  •          Paper Towels or Rag

Step 2: Once you have gather the supplies, wet the toothbrush bristles and apply your soap or toothpaste.

Step 3: Next, take a paper towel and wet it also and when you do rub it on the sole of your shoes but, not too much to where water is just leaking off the shoes.

Step 4: Once you have done this take your toothbrush with the soap or toothpaste on it and scrub the dirty part of the soles.

Step 5: Once all the soap or toothpaste is no longer on the toothbrush you can add more repeat step 5 if needed.

Step 6: When you have scrubbed the sole now you can rinse off the soap or toothpaste with the water and use a paper towel or rag to dry the sole off.

Here's the finished product: 

If you want to know a easier way to clean your soles, check out my post  entitled: "Shortcut To Cleaning Shoes!"